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Monday, January 9, 2012

A spicy funeral service....in Puthencavu Mathilakom Marthoma Church!!!

I had great regard for the church in our small village-Puthencavu.First being my grandparents and father were resting in peace there..secondly when I was young and in Kerala for my holidays ...I used to come for service here with my grandfather.Memories...fond memories !!!!Being brought up by devout christian parents...even after marrying a Hindu I used to frequent church every Sunday...but after 2003..I stopped..Attending a funeral service of a near relative at the church...I was sitting in the middle row of chairs...there were two elderly women near me who were talking in loud murmurs while the service was going on...topicof conversation was the parcel of spices their daughter had sent from the Gulf ...They said inspite of being busy and cooking meat with the spices they took time to come and view the body of the deceased...!!!!and they were planning to hurry back ..becoz otherwise the meat would be burnt!!!!!!!Sad....very sad that in the church ...a holy place....such conversations shud take place even when death was present!!!Another topic is that ...there is a Sevika Sangham in the church meeting every Wednesday...the women there gather to discuss family issuesand controveries rather than discuss about the scriptures...this is a matter of discussion among the other residents of the area...Sad...!!

1 comment:

  1. Aunty as you are learned than most of them you can forgive them. And they should not be barriers in your relationship with God (not to mention that the church is the sole channel of God's presence). As my learned father have always advised me that I should have compassion to them rather than retaliation(though I know that he have failed miserably many times attempting it :). Nevertheless its a sort of good advice I ever had from him).
